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The Little Provincial Girl

The Little Drummer Girl, 2018

“Do you wish to fight the Zionists, or the entire world?” was the question the Palestinian terrorist recruiter poses to Charlie (Florence Pugh) in The Little Drummer Girl, John le Carré novel adapted to a TV series by Park Chan-wook. She knows what the recruiter wants to hear, but her simmering resentment against the world is barely masked beneath the surface. This inchoate rage against the world is not unique to this character, and I found this was a particularly accurate and disturbing representation of the tourist radicals of the early 80s provincial European youth.

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“Succession” and the raging battle between Old and New media

Succession reminded me that, starting from the premise that the powerful aren’t a unified block, some of the biggest battle lines in the western world are between new vs old media empires. Murdoch vs Zuckerberg, old vs new money, entrenched monopolies vs emerging monopolies, big finance vs big tech. Neither really care all that much about the political issues that their empires trumpet or echo to their bases, as long as people are kept busy and divided. Corporate wokeness is largely a new money, west coat invention, which doesn’t give a damn about addressing structural inequality so much as it provides leverage for boardroom coups.What is succession if not peak old media (HBO, cable) worshiping itself whilst also acknowledging it doesn’t know what to do next(against Netflix & YouTube)?

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